5 minute summaries

1 quote, 3 ideas & 1 question from each episode


Podcast cover

Julianna Margulies

Oprah's Super Soul

5 May 2021


Owltail Summaries

1 quote, 3 ideas & 1 question from each episode


Julianna Margulies

5 May 2021



"My priorities changed once I knew I wanted to learn more, not earn more"



Children need to see the imperfect side of their parents.
If they only experience and see perfect, they're going to be in for a rude awakening when they enter the real world.

At some point, we're going to make mistakes, we're only human. Learning how to handle the situation when we mess up though, is something we can all prepare for.


Children need to see the imperfect side of their parents.
If they only experience and see perfect, they're going to be in for a rude awakening when they enter the real world.

At some point, we're going to make mistakes, we're only human. Learning how to handle the situation when we mess up though, is something we can all prepare for.


We should all write & journal about how we're feeling throughout our life.
As we grow older, we forget about how we felt in a certain moment, and by having a record of some sort, we get to remember & understand our journey in this life.

It provides a story and perspective, that's written by your past self, in your own words, about how your life has been.


We should all write & journal about how we're feeling throughout our life.
As we grow older, we forget about how we felt in a certain moment, and by having a record of some sort, we get to remember & understand our journey in this life.

It provides a story and perspective, that's written by your past self, in your own words, about how your life has been.


Saying no to an offer that's unfair, isn't just for yourself.
It also makes it clear to the person making the offer, that they shouldn't be.

Helping other people be less likely to be made the same offer.


Saying no to an offer that's unfair, isn't just for yourself.
It also makes it clear to the person making the offer, that they shouldn't be.

Helping other people be less likely to be made the same offer.



Can you think of a time where saying no wasn't just for yourself?


Can you think of a time where saying no wasn't just for yourself?

What else is in the episode


How not realizing to do something isn't always on purpose


How not realizing to do something isn't always on purpose


Her journey from being jobless to finding a break in her acting career, but then turning down the offer to continue


Her journey from being jobless to finding a break in her acting career, but then turning down the offer to continue


Why we should never pretend to be something we're not in a relationship


Why we should never pretend to be something we're not in a relationship

Who is Julianna Margulies?


An Emmy award winning actress of medical drama series ER, The Good wife and more. She's also the author of a children's picture book and an autobiography.


An Emmy award winning actress of medical drama series ER, The Good wife and more. She's also the author of a children's picture book and an autobiography.

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