5 minute summaries

1 quote, 3 ideas & 1 question from each episode


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Bryan Doerries — "You are not alone across time."

On Being with Krista Tippett

8 Apr 2021



Owltail Summaries

1 quote, 3 ideas & 1 question from each episode


Bryan Doerries — "You are not alone across time."

8 Apr 2021



"Genuine tragedies are not conflicts between right and wrong, but conflicts between two rights"



The beauty of books is learning the lessons that others have learnt in years in a matter of hours.
The beauty of art in things such as plays, is you experience the journey and emotions of someone else's story without the consequences.

Reading books can upgrade your thinking. Consuming art can help you better understand your emotions.


The beauty of books is learning the lessons that others have learnt in years in a matter of hours.
The beauty of art in things such as plays, is you experience the journey and emotions of someone else's story without the consequences.

Reading books can upgrade your thinking. Consuming art can help you better understand your emotions.


To comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
Originally said about newspapers, but applicable to life overall.

Comforted that we can come together across very disparate walks of life and human experiences, and afflicted that there's so much more work to be done, both for those that we're aware of, but also the large majority that we aren't.


To comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
Originally said about newspapers, but applicable to life overall.

Comforted that we can come together across very disparate walks of life and human experiences, and afflicted that there's so much more work to be done, both for those that we're aware of, but also the large majority that we aren't.


Some things are a never-ending process.
You can't always check the box and say, "Oh, well, I had this experience, now I understand" and that's it.

One of the issues with our culture is that we're constantly consuming each other's suffering, as if once we've heard about an issue, we believe we understand it and that's all.

Bryan asks us to think about what it means for some things to not be fully consumable?


Some things are a never-ending process.
You can't always check the box and say, "Oh, well, I had this experience, now I understand" and that's it.

One of the issues with our culture is that we're constantly consuming each other's suffering, as if once we've heard about an issue, we believe we understand it and that's all.

Bryan asks us to think about what it means for some things to not be fully consumable?



Can you think of a conflict between two people that were both right?


Can you think of a conflict between two people that were both right?

What else is in the episode


Why we aren't alone across time


Why we aren't alone across time


Why ancient texts are a place for us to learn from


Why ancient texts are a place for us to learn from


he power of standing side by side in theatres and acknowledging painful truths


he power of standing side by side in theatres and acknowledging painful truths

Who is Bryan Doerries?


The co-founder, principal translator, and artistic director of Theater of War Productions. As well as Author of multiple books on what we can learn from ancient Greek tragedies.


The co-founder, principal translator, and artistic director of Theater of War Productions. As well as Author of multiple books on what we can learn from ancient Greek tragedies.

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