Cover image of HS 330 Audio: Fundamentals of Estate Planning

HS 330 Audio: Fundamentals of Estate Planning

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

1-1 Explain what is meant by estate planning and the purpose that itserves.

1-1 Explain what is meant by estate planning and the purpose that itserves.

15 Dec 2011


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

12-3 Describe the general rule for inclusion of property under sections 2031 and 2033 in the gross estate of a decedent.

12-3 Describe the general rule for inclusion of property under sections 2031 and 2033 in the gross estate of a decedent.

1 Nov 2013


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Ranked #3

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2-2 Distinguish between ethics and compliance

2-2 Distinguish between ethics and compliance

15 Dec 2011

Ranked #4

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18-5 Explain what is meant by a Sec. 303 redemption.

18-5 Explain what is meant by a Sec. 303 redemption.

1 Nov 2013


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Ranked #5

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1-3 Describe the impediments to a well-planned estate.

1-3 Describe the impediments to a well-planned estate.

15 Dec 2011


Ranked #6

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2-3 Understand the American College'sn Professional Pledge

2-3 Understand the American College'sn Professional Pledge

15 Dec 2011

Ranked #7

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8-1 Explain what a will is.

8-1 Explain what a will is.

6 Aug 2012


Ranked #8

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10-8 Explain how various types of lifetime transfers with retained interests are valued.

10-8 Explain how various types of lifetime transfers with retained interests are valued.

15 Dec 2011


Ranked #9

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15-3 Describe how either an overqualification or an underqualification may affect federal estate tax liability, and explain how formulas can be used to minimize the tax.

15-3 Describe how either an overqualification or an underqualification may affect federal estate tax liability, and explain how formulas can be used to minimize the tax.

1 Nov 2013


Ranked #10

Podcast cover

9-2 Describe the appointment of an executor or an administrator.

9-2 Describe the appointment of an executor or an administrator.

15 Dec 2011


Ranked #11

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18-1 Explain how the tentative tax base is determined.

18-1 Explain how the tentative tax base is determined.

1 Nov 2013


Ranked #12

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7-5 Explain the requirements for reporting gifts and paying the tax.

7-5 Explain the requirements for reporting gifts and paying the tax.

1 Nov 2013


Ranked #13

Podcast cover

18-2 Describe how the estate tax payable before credits is computed.

18-2 Describe how the estate tax payable before credits is computed.

1 Nov 2013


Ranked #14

Podcast cover

6-1 Identify the nontax advantages of lifetime gifts.

6-1 Identify the nontax advantages of lifetime gifts.

15 Dec 2011


Ranked #15

Podcast cover

8-6 Explain the spouse's right of election against a will.

8-6 Explain the spouse's right of election against a will.

1 Nov 2013


Ranked #16

Podcast cover

5-4 Explain how a fiduciary is selected.

5-4 Explain how a fiduciary is selected.

15 Dec 2011


Ranked #17

Podcast cover

5-2 Identify the duties of a fiduciary.

5-2 Identify the duties of a fiduciary.

15 Dec 2011


Ranked #18

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22-1 Describe the advantages, disadvantages, and tax treatment of installment sales.

22-1 Describe the advantages, disadvantages, and tax treatment of installment sales.

15 Dec 2011


Ranked #19

Podcast cover

4-1 Identify the community-property states and the historical origins ofthe community-property system.

4-1 Identify the community-property states and the historical origins ofthe community-property system.

15 Dec 2011


Ranked #20

Podcast cover

5-7 Explain the elements of trusts and the various purposes that trusts serve.

5-7 Explain the elements of trusts and the various purposes that trusts serve.

15 Dec 2011


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