Cover image of 2012 Conference Audio - The Mencken Club

2012 Conference Audio - The Mencken Club

Ranked #1

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Paul Gottfried's Address to the H.L. Mencken Club

Paul Gottfried's Address to the H.L. Mencken Club

20 Nov 2012


Ranked #2

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Fran Griffin: Remembering Sam Francis

Fran Griffin: Remembering Sam Francis

20 Nov 2012


Ranked #3

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The Setting for a Scientific Awakening

The Setting for a Scientific Awakening

Michael Hart discusses his upcoming book, "The Newton Awards", and notes some general trends in the history of ​scientif... Read more

15 Dec 2012


Ranked #4

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The Student as Dachshund

The Student as Dachshund

Robert Weissberg discusses the house-training and domestication of the modern college student.

15 Dec 2012


Most Popular Podcasts

Ranked #5

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Revising Key Historical Turning Points: How good was the "Good War"?

Revising Key Historical Turning Points: How good was the "Good War"?

Keith Preston critically examines the dominant narrative surrounding the second world war.

9 Dec 2012


Ranked #6

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Revising Key Historical Turning Points: How Unique was American Slavery?

Revising Key Historical Turning Points: How Unique was American Slavery?

Robert Paquette discusses Thomas Jefferson's thoughts on slavery in the United States.

9 Dec 2012


Ranked #7

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Revising Key Historical Turning Points: The Republicans' record in the Spanish civil war

Revising Key Historical Turning Points: The Republicans' record in the Spanish civil war

Stanley Payne ​recounts the role of the Spanish left before and during the Spanish Civil War.

9 Dec 2012


Ranked #8

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Fascism and the Right: Fascism as a Counter-Revolutionary Imitation

Fascism and the Right: Fascism as a Counter-Revolutionary Imitation

Paul Gottfried considers the historical context of Fascism, as well as the modern abuse of the term "Fascist".

7 Dec 2012


Ranked #9

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Fascism and the Right: The Authoritarian Right: An appreciation of Francisco Franco

Fascism and the Right: The Authoritarian Right: An appreciation of Francisco Franco

James Kurth considers the legacy of Franco's rule in Spain.

7 Dec 2012


Ranked #10

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Fascism and the Right: The Master Spirit Takes Charge

Fascism and the Right: The Master Spirit Takes Charge

Thomas Bertonneau discusses a pair of H.G. Well's novels of global dictatorship.

7 Dec 2012


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