Cover image of Physics 50 example problems

Physics 50 example problems

This is a video podcast of solutions to example problems from Dr. Beyersdorf's Physics 50 class at San Jose State University. Several episodes will be published each week including solutions to the p... Read more

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

8-45 Center of Mass-momentum and collisions

8-45 Center of Mass-momentum and collisions

Determine the center of mass of an object

10 Oct 2006


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

13-33 Cheese on a Spring-simple harmonic motion

13-33 Cheese on a Spring-simple harmonic motion

For a piece of cheese oscillating on the end of a spring, find out how far the spring will be stretched when the oscilla... Read more

10 Nov 2006


Ranked #3

Podcast cover

10-63 Block and Cylinder-dynamics of rotational motion

10-63 Block and Cylinder-dynamics of rotational motion

Find the acceleration of a block on a plane that is attached to a rotating cylinder which has non-negligible moment of i... Read more

25 Oct 2006


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

8-35 Speed of a Bullet-momentum and collisions

8-35 Speed of a Bullet-momentum and collisions

Find the speed of a bullet by using the work-energy theorem and conservation of momentum during a collision with a block

10 Oct 2006


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Ranked #5

Podcast cover

12-9 Gravitational Force Acting on the Moon-gravitation

12-9 Gravitational Force Acting on the Moon-gravitation

Find the gravitational force acting on the moon from the Earth and Sun for moon at three different points in the lunar o... Read more

10 Nov 2006


Ranked #6

Podcast cover

8-19 Compressed Spring-momentum and collisions

8-19 Compressed Spring-momentum and collisions

Find the velocities of two masses after they are launched by a spring

10 Oct 2006


Ranked #7

Podcast cover

14-7 Gauge Pressure-fluid mechanics

14-7 Gauge Pressure-fluid mechanics

Determine the gauge pressure at a given distance below the surface of a fluid using Pascal's law

15 Nov 2006


Ranked #8

Podcast cover

11-13 Beam in Equilibrium-equilibrium

11-13 Beam in Equilibrium-equilibrium

Find the tension in ropes holding up a beam in equilibrium.

6 Nov 2006


Ranked #9

Podcast cover

14-3 Density of Gold-fluid mechanics

14-3 Density of Gold-fluid mechanics

Find the density of a piece of metal given its mass and volume. Is the metal gold?

15 Nov 2006


Ranked #10

Podcast cover

10-47 Gyroscope-dynamics of rotational motion

10-47 Gyroscope-dynamics of rotational motion

Determine the direction that a gyroscope precesses

25 Oct 2006


Ranked #11

Podcast cover

10-33 Power of a Motor-dynamics of rotational motion

10-33 Power of a Motor-dynamics of rotational motion

Determine the lifting capacity of a motor with a given power and rotation rate

25 Oct 2006


Ranked #12

Podcast cover

10-19 Falling Yo Yo-dynamics of rotational motion

10-19 Falling Yo Yo-dynamics of rotational motion

Find the acceleration of a falling yo-yo and the tension in the string as it falls

25 Oct 2006


Ranked #13

Podcast cover

10-7 Frictional Torque-dynamics of rotational motion

10-7 Frictional Torque-dynamics of rotational motion

Find the frictional torque necessary to slow a spinning object a given amount in a given time

25 Oct 2006


Ranked #14

Podcast cover

10-3 Calculating Torque-dynamics of rotational motion

10-3 Calculating Torque-dynamics of rotational motion

Find the torque exerted on an object by each of three different forces

25 Oct 2006


Ranked #15

Podcast cover

10-1 Calculating Torque-dynamics of angular motion

10-1 Calculating Torque-dynamics of angular motion

Find the torque that a force exerts on a wrench for six different configurations

25 Oct 2006


Ranked #16

Podcast cover

9-100 Moment of Inertia of a Cone-rotation of rigid bodies

9-100 Moment of Inertia of a Cone-rotation of rigid bodies

Calculate the moment of inertia for a cone.

17 Oct 2006


Ranked #17

Podcast cover

9-85 Pulley With Inertia-rotation of rigid bodies

9-85 Pulley With Inertia-rotation of rigid bodies

Solve for the speed of a falling block that must pull another block and spin a pulley that has inertia.

17 Oct 2006


Ranked #18

Podcast cover

9-63 Speedometer-rotation of rigid bodies

9-63 Speedometer-rotation of rigid bodies

Relate the linear velocity of a car to the angular velocity of the axle as read by the speedometer

17 Oct 2006


Ranked #19

Podcast cover

9-52 Parallel Axis Theorem for a Wheel-rotation of rigid bodies

9-52 Parallel Axis Theorem for a Wheel-rotation of rigid bodies

Use the parallel axis theorem to find the moment of inertia for a wheel rotating about a point on its rim.

17 Oct 2006


Ranked #20

Podcast cover

9-41 Moment of Inertia of a Wagon Wheel-rotation of rigid bodies

9-41 Moment of Inertia of a Wagon Wheel-rotation of rigid bodies

Find the moment of inertia for a wagon wheel given the size and shape of its components.

17 Oct 2006


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