Ranked #1
HB12. When the Nuchal Fold is High: Chloe's story of a complicated first scan.
HB12. When the Nuchal Fold is High: Chloe's story of a complicated first scan.
This episode touches on the world of Fetal Medicine (not feral medicine or fatal medicine, as my computer would love to ... Read more
13 Aug 2021
Ranked #2
HB11. Getting your Birthing Sh*t Together: how hypnobirthing can help when things don't go to plan.
HB11. Getting your Birthing Sh*t Together: how hypnobirthing can help when things don't go to plan.
In this episode I talk to Sam Valentine about the birth of her daughter. Sam's experience of hypnobirthing was key (in f... Read more
15 Jul 2021
Ranked #3
HB10. Birth Broke Me But I Put Myself Back Together: a story of traumatic birth, and maternal obsessive compulsive disorder.
HB10. Birth Broke Me But I Put Myself Back Together: a story of traumatic birth, and maternal obsessive compulsive disorder.
In this episode I talk to Beth about the birth of her daughter Isla. We talk birth: long early labours, FINALLY getting ... Read more
1 Jul 2021
Ranked #4
HB09. Hypertension, Big Heads and Salad Tongs: it's a positive birth story, but not as you know it.
HB09. Hypertension, Big Heads and Salad Tongs: it's a positive birth story, but not as you know it.
This week's episode is all about changing the narrative on what constitutes a "positive" birth. I talk to Liv - mum to 1... Read more
10 Jun 2021
Ranked #5
HB08. It's Sleepytime! Sleep chat with consultant Leanne Fraser.
HB08. It's Sleepytime! Sleep chat with consultant Leanne Fraser.
This episode is all about sleep! I love sleep. It’s the best. I talk to Leanne Fraser - an E17 based sleep consultant an... Read more
27 May 2021
Ranked #6
HB07. Pity the fool who says you’re too posh to push: why it’s completely reasonable to request an elective c-section for your first (or subsequent) baby.
HB07. Pity the fool who says you’re too posh to push: why it’s completely reasonable to request an elective c-section for your first (or subsequent) baby.
This episode is all about requesting an elective c-section, even if it’s not officially recommended by your medical team... Read more
13 May 2021
Ranked #7
HB06. "You and me and Daddy...We're going to have a baby." The trials, tribulations, triumphs and some tips on having your second baby, and the (seismic) impact on your firstborn.
HB06. "You and me and Daddy...We're going to have a baby." The trials, tribulations, triumphs and some tips on having your second baby, and the (seismic) impact on your firstborn.
This episode is all about having a second baby. Not a comprehensive guide - after all, I am only 11 months into this gig... Read more
29 Apr 2021
Ranked #8
HB05. Born into a Plastic Bag: what it's like when your baby is born prematurely, 12 weeks before his due date.
HB05. Born into a Plastic Bag: what it's like when your baby is born prematurely, 12 weeks before his due date.
In this episode I talk to Hannah. She and Sam had their baby Max in November 2020. Max was one of the 8% of babies who a... Read more
22 Apr 2021
Ranked #9
HB04. Leaving the House and Other Impossible Tasks: Lesley from E17 Baby shares her labour and postnatal experiences
HB04. Leaving the House and Other Impossible Tasks: Lesley from E17 Baby shares her labour and postnatal experiences
In this episode I talk to the awesome Lesley - founder of E17 Baby - about her experiences having baby Fox during the 20... Read more
12 Apr 2021
Ranked #10
HB03. Carole King in the Bath and a New Stair Carpet: my mum's induction in the 70s and a home birth in the 80s (me!)
HB03. Carole King in the Bath and a New Stair Carpet: my mum's induction in the 70s and a home birth in the 80s (me!)
In this episode I interview MY ACTUAL MUM about her two birth stories: a hospital induction in the 1970s, and a home bir... Read more
31 Mar 2021