Ranked #1

Student iPhone App Presentations (June 9, 2009)
Student iPhone App Presentations (June 9, 2009)
Stanford iPhone Application Programming (CS193P) students present their final projects for the quarter. (June 9, 2009)
9 Jun 2009
Ranked #2

18. Unit Testing, Localization & More (June 3, 2009)
18. Unit Testing, Localization & More (June 3, 2009)
Evan Doll covers unit testing and localization. He then wraps up the quarter answering questions from the online audienc... Read more
8 Jun 2009
Ranked #3

Lecture 18 Slides (June 3, 2009)
Lecture 18 Slides (June 3, 2009)
Evan Doll covers unit testing and localization. He then wraps up the quarter answering questions from the online audienc... Read more
8 Jun 2009
Ranked #4

17. Creating New Expressive Social Mediums on the iPhone (June 1, 2009)
17. Creating New Expressive Social Mediums on the iPhone (June 1, 2009)
Professor Ge Wang, Stanford Professor and creator of the popular iPhone Ocarina and Leaf Trombone apps, demonstrates how... Read more
4 Jun 2009
Ranked #5

Lecture 16 Slides (May 27, 2009)
Lecture 16 Slides (May 27, 2009)
Alan Cannistraro covers audio APIs, video playback, displaying web content, and settings. (May 27, 2009)
29 May 2009
Ranked #6

16. Audio APIs, Video Playback, Displaying Web Content, Settings (May 27, 2009)
16. Audio APIs, Video Playback, Displaying Web Content, Settings (May 27, 2009)
Alan Cannistraro covers audio APIs, video playback, displaying web content, and settings. (May 27, 2009)
29 May 2009
Ranked #7

Lecture 15 Slides (May 20, 2009)
Lecture 15 Slides (May 20, 2009)
Justin Santamaria, from the iPhone Software Engineering team, provides an overview of the iPhone device APIs. (May 20, 2... Read more
28 May 2009
Ranked #8

15. iPhone Device APIs: Location, Accelerometer & Camera, Battery Life & Power (May 20, 2009)
15. iPhone Device APIs: Location, Accelerometer & Camera, Battery Life & Power (May 20, 2009)
Justin Santamaria, from the iPhone Software Engineering team, provides an overview of the iPhone device APIs. (May 20, 2... Read more
27 May 2009
Ranked #9

Optimizing OpenGL for iPhone (May 22, 2009)
Optimizing OpenGL for iPhone (May 22, 2009)
Tim Omernick from the popular gaming company, ngmoco, provides a broad overview of OpenGL on the iPhone. (May 15, 2009)
27 May 2009
Ranked #10

14. Touch Events and Multi-Touch (May 18, 2009)
14. Touch Events and Multi-Touch (May 18, 2009)
Steve Demeter shares his experience in creating the popular game applications, Trism. Josh Shaffer follows with a overvi... Read more
20 May 2009