This means there isn't enough episodes to provide the most popular episodes. Here's the rankings of the current episodes anyway, we recommend you to revisit when there's more episodes!
Ranked #1
繼上次的Dcard 反應還算熱烈,故續錄二集,請給予兩位多多支持,想睡覺時、通勤時、教授上課無聊時,派沙拉永遠是陪伴你的好夥伴:) 應該吧:)
Ranked #2
在現今網路社群平台的百花齊放,但我們看上DCARD吸引人的魅力。 雖然板上充斥著五毛小粉紅、反串文還有躲在背後嘴砲的酸民,無腦的廢文漸漸讓低卡背負著低能卡的稱號! 今天就來跟著LEVI還有趴你陪你一起講幹話~
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