Cover image of Open Source Creative

Open Source Creative

Episodes of the Open Source Creative Podcast, a weekly podcast where I ramble about creativity, process, and open source software. The show features in-depth discussions about the nature of open sourc... Read more

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Ranked #1

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Nodevember With Jonas Dichelle and Luca Rood

Nodevember With Jonas Dichelle and Luca Rood

Jonas Dichelle and Luca Rood are a delight. They’re such fun to talk to… especially when it comes to a cool event that t... Read more

12 Nov 2020


Ranked #2

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HDRI Haven (And Friends) With Greg Zaal

HDRI Haven (And Friends) With Greg Zaal

It’s been too long since the last episode. However, we’re definitely not done. This time around, I got to talk with Greg... Read more

30 Oct 2020


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Ranked #3

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Design and User Experience With Máirín Duffy

Design and User Experience With Máirín Duffy

Mo is a delight to speak with and her example is one of the best rebuttals to any notion that a person can’t work profes... Read more

3 Sep 2020


Ranked #4

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Community and Photography With Pat David

Community and Photography With Pat David

Pat David joins us this episode to have a wide-ranging discussion about making creative work using open source software.... Read more

20 Aug 2020

1hr 45mins

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Ranked #5

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Open Source Ecology With Marcin Jakubowski

Open Source Ecology With Marcin Jakubowski

Marcin guests this episode and talks about Open Source Ecology and their “Blueprints for Civilization”, which is a list ... Read more

30 Jul 2020


Ranked #6

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Making Things to Make Things

Making Things to Make Things

This week’s episode is born from some listern feedback from Romain Marteau. He suggested that I spend an episode talking... Read more

23 Jul 2020


Ranked #7

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BlenderNPR Follow-Up With Bong Wee Kwong and Miguel Pozo

BlenderNPR Follow-Up With Bong Wee Kwong and Miguel Pozo

In this episode we get a bit more clarity on not just the BlenderNPR community and the BEER Development Campaign, but th... Read more

8 Jul 2020

1hr 1min

Ranked #8

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All About BlenderNPR With Lee Posey

All About BlenderNPR With Lee Posey

So we have an episode of firsts here. Not only is it the show’s first interview with a guest, but it’s also the first ep... Read more

30 Jun 2020


Ranked #9

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Learning How Open Source Works

Learning How Open Source Works

Here’s the deal. With the various things like Epic’s megagrants and some of the accelerated development action happening... Read more

18 Jun 2020


Ranked #10

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Catching Up

Catching Up

Three years is a long time to wait between episodes. For anyone still subscribed to this show through your podcatcher (t... Read more

2 Jun 2020


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