This means there isn't enough episodes to provide the most popular episodes. Here's the rankings of the current episodes anyway, we recommend you to revisit when there's more episodes!
Ranked #1
EP02 . 如何面對電話促銷及直銷 (怨念十足的一集)
EP02 . 如何面對電話促銷及直銷 (怨念十足的一集)
疫情當前 , 就算愛亂買也不代表推銷我就買單 , 少來噓寒問暖或是好久不見 , 開誠布公 一翻兩瞪眼 , 掰掰不用再連絡 Powered by Firstory Hosting
Ranked #2
EP01 . 如何面對人生的恐懼 (愛狗人士請慎入)
EP01 . 如何面對人生的恐懼 (愛狗人士請慎入)
仨人計畫正式啟動!!假如人生充滿害怕和恐懼 , 管他黑的白的死的活的 , 敬而遠之才是根本之道啊!(合十) Powered by Firstory Hosting
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