This means there isn't enough episodes to provide the most popular episodes. Here's the rankings of the current episodes anyway, we recommend you to revisit when there's more episodes!
Ranked #1

Ses 4: Wavepackets and Landau-Zener
Ses 4: Wavepackets and Landau-Zener
Ranked #2

Ses 3: Semiclassical Methods for Calculating Vibrational Overlap Integrals
Ses 3: Semiclassical Methods for Calculating Vibrational Overlap Integrals
Introductory Quantum Mechanics II (2009)
Introductory Quantum Mechanics II (2004) - Video
Atomic and Optical Physics II
Video Demonstrations in Lasers and Optics
Atomic and Optical Physics I
Understanding Lasers and Fiberoptics
Introduction to Modeling and Simulation
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Principles of Chemical Science II (Video)
Electromagnetic Energy: From Motors to Lasers
Symmetry, Structure, & Tensor Properties of Materials
Electromagnetic Fields and Energy
Statistical Mechanics II: Statistical Physics of Fields
Ranked #3

Ses 1:Introduction to the Spectroscopic Effective Hamiltonian
Ses 1:Introduction to the Spectroscopic Effective Hamiltonian
Ranked #4

Ses 2: Spectroscopic Pertubations, Predissociation, and Autoionization
Ses 2: Spectroscopic Pertubations, Predissociation, and Autoionization
Oprah's SuperSoul Conversations
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
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