Cover image of King Lear by William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)

King Lear by William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)

King Lear is widely held as the greatest of Shakespeare's tragedies; to some, it is the greatest play ever written. King Lear abdicates the British throne, to divide his kingdom among his three daught... Read more

Warning: This podcast is a series podcast

This means episodes are recommended to be heard in order from the very start. Here's the 10 best episodes of the series anyway though!

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

Act 3

Act 3

1 Jan 1970


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

Act 2

Act 2

1 Jan 1970


Ranked #3

Podcast cover

Act 1

Act 1

1 Jan 1970


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

Act 5

Act 5

1 Jan 1970


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Ranked #5

Podcast cover

Act 4

Act 4

1 Jan 1970


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