Cover image of Calvary Tabernacle Bentonville

Calvary Tabernacle Bentonville

Weekly teaching and preaching brought to you by Calvary Tabernacle in Bentonville, AR

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

My Great Privilege | Bishop John Dean

My Great Privilege | Bishop John Dean

It is such an honor to praise the Lord. For we did not choose God, He has chosen us.

17 Mar 2019


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

Scott Shelton Part Three

Scott Shelton Part Three

How much further along would we be if we spent more time praying than we did anything else? Many times, we try to fix th... Read more

27 Sep 2018

1hr 7mins

Ranked #3

Podcast cover

Scott Shelton Part Two

Scott Shelton Part Two

Many times, people will choose a small place over a high place (as in the example of Lot). They will choose shackles and... Read more

20 Sep 2018

1hr 9mins

Ranked #4

Podcast cover

Grapes | Rev. Danny Whitley

Grapes | Rev. Danny Whitley

We cannot survive on the Holy Ghost alone, for it is just a taste. Turn your eyes towards the promise and yearn for that... Read more

11 Nov 2018


Most Popular Podcasts

Ranked #5

Podcast cover

A More Convenient Time | Pastor Chantry Dean

A More Convenient Time | Pastor Chantry Dean

In life, it becomes a tendency to procrastinate and put off the things that are important for today, until tomorrow. And... Read more

6 Oct 2019


Ranked #6

Podcast cover

The Heart - Part Five | Pastor Chantry Dean

The Heart - Part Five | Pastor Chantry Dean

What is it that makes you feel at least a little joy when someone you consider perfect has a bad time? What causes you t... Read more

29 Nov 2018


Ranked #7

Podcast cover

Just Ok is Not Ok | Pastor Chantry Dean

Just Ok is Not Ok | Pastor Chantry Dean

The church of the Laodiceans were called out for becoming spiritually okay. Okay is never enough. The church should alwa... Read more

30 Jun 2019


Ranked #8

Podcast cover

Possessing Our Inheritance | Pastor Chantry Dean

Possessing Our Inheritance | Pastor Chantry Dean

Though Israel, God’s very own peopler, were brought out from Egypt, the bondage that they were once living in. They were... Read more

19 May 2019


Ranked #9

Podcast cover

When You Call | Pastor Chantry Dean

When You Call | Pastor Chantry Dean

The Lord answers when we call on the name of the Lord. Before we can receive anything, we must know how to call on the n... Read more

27 Jan 2019


Ranked #10

Podcast cover

Bold Part 3 - Obedience | Pastor Chantry Dean

Bold Part 3 - Obedience | Pastor Chantry Dean

1 Mar 2020


Ranked #11

Podcast cover

Bold Part 1 (Bold Prayer) | Pastor Chantry Dean

Bold Part 1 (Bold Prayer) | Pastor Chantry Dean

There was a boldness in the Acts church and there was power connected with that boldness. This first installment of the ... Read more

13 Feb 2020


Ranked #12

Podcast cover

The Prayer that Heathen Can't Pray | Loammi Diaz

The Prayer that Heathen Can't Pray | Loammi Diaz

According to Matthew 6:7-13, the heathens are not able to call God “Father.” Children of God pray in respect with emotio... Read more

18 Aug 2019


Ranked #13

Podcast cover

Come As You Are | Bishop John Dean

Come As You Are | Bishop John Dean

When we come before God in obedience to the Word, God will minister into our lives.

11 Aug 2019


Ranked #14

Podcast cover

The Unfair Advantage | Pastor Chantry Dean

The Unfair Advantage | Pastor Chantry Dean

God has given an advantage for the deprived. God can see beyond what others see of us and views us qualified to be used ... Read more

17 Nov 2019


Ranked #15

Podcast cover

Except the Lord Build the House | Pastor Chantry Dean

Except the Lord Build the House | Pastor Chantry Dean

Many times the world instructs us to build our house and ourselves on our own success. Our own plans for our future. Wha... Read more

22 Sep 2019


Ranked #16

Podcast cover

Not Safe, but Good | Pastor Alan Robertson

Not Safe, but Good | Pastor Alan Robertson

Jesus has called us to do more than we think we are capable of, He called us to go out into this world, but not be of it... Read more

23 Jun 2019


Ranked #17

Podcast cover

The Fishbowl | Pastor Alan Robertson

The Fishbowl | Pastor Alan Robertson

A goldfish in its natural habitat can live up to 30 years and grow many times larger than what you would ordinarily find... Read more

24 Oct 2019


Ranked #18

Podcast cover

Behind Enemy Lines | Pastor Chantry Dean

Behind Enemy Lines | Pastor Chantry Dean

When despair hits, look up for God has not left you. See God fighting for you, winning the battle. No weapon formed agai... Read more

4 Aug 2019


Ranked #19

Podcast cover

Your Personal Pentecost | Pastor Chantry Dean

Your Personal Pentecost | Pastor Chantry Dean

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a soun... Read more

9 Jun 2019


Ranked #20

Podcast cover

Making a Room for the Miraculous | Bishop John Dean

Making a Room for the Miraculous | Bishop John Dean

Through prayer, worship and fasting, room is being made for God to perform miracles in our life. God is able to perform ... Read more

13 Jan 2019


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