Cover image of Bible Warfare — Mike Mazzalongo

Bible Warfare — Mike Mazzalongo

This series is a training session to help Christians understand their own religion and prepare them to answer common challenges and questions concerning the Bible and its teachings.

Podcast cover

How can God die if Jesus is God?: And other questions.

How can God die if Jesus is God?: And other questions.

In this last lesson in the series, Mike will be answering more miscellaneous questions posed in the survey. This include... Read more

4 Jan 2018


Podcast cover

Garden of Eden and Noah's Flood Questions

Garden of Eden and Noah's Flood Questions

This lesson is devoted to miscellaneous questions concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; dinosaurs; the ... Read more

21 Dec 2017


Podcast cover

Church Organization

Church Organization

In this lesson, Mike answers questions regarding the Biblical pattern for church organization and function, and how this... Read more

14 Dec 2017


Podcast cover

What Other Religions Teach About Salvation

What Other Religions Teach About Salvation

In this lesson, Mike will review the beliefs of the 11 major world religions concerning salvation and compare these with... Read more

6 Dec 2017


Most Popular Podcasts

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Is Church Attendance/Baptism Mandatory?

Is Church Attendance/Baptism Mandatory?

Mike deals with the often-used arguments against the necessity of regular worship and the importance of a proper biblica... Read more

30 Nov 2017


Podcast cover

Using Pattern Theology to Answer Questions

Using Pattern Theology to Answer Questions

In this lesson, Mike reviews the arguments used to support the inspiration of the Bible and how to answer questions conc... Read more

16 Nov 2017


Podcast cover

What Makes the Churches of Christ Unique?: Part 2

What Makes the Churches of Christ Unique?: Part 2

In this lesson, Mike continues to answers the most asked questions about the Churches of Christ and how it is different ... Read more

9 Nov 2017


Podcast cover

What Makes the Churches of Christ Unique?: Part 1

What Makes the Churches of Christ Unique?: Part 1

In this lesson, Mike answers the most asked questions about the Churches of Christ and how it is different from other ch... Read more

2 Nov 2017


Podcast cover

4 Principles of Personal Evangelism

4 Principles of Personal Evangelism

In this lesson, we see how to share your faith with people of different religious backgrounds. We also examine four prin... Read more

26 Oct 2017


Podcast cover

Miscellaneous Questions about Baptism and Forgiveness

Miscellaneous Questions about Baptism and Forgiveness

Mike answers questions concerning which baptism is the one true baptism found in the Bible, and when forgiveness is appl... Read more

19 Oct 2017


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