Ranked #1
First Date Standards by the Carrots🥕🥕
First Date Standards by the Carrots🥕🥕
First Date Standards: Too high or Too Low?? Location. Style. Pay. Touch??…
27 Aug 2021
Ranked #2
Carrots an their love for trust and privacy🥕🥕
Carrots an their love for trust and privacy🥕🥕
Is there a line we shouldn’t cross with our sigs?? Locations, social media and money…take your pick🥕
18 Aug 2021
Ranked #3
TWWIIIGGHT From the Carrots POV🥕
TWWIIIGGHT From the Carrots POV🥕
Team Edward Vs Team Jacob who is more Toxic… and why are we here for it???
6 Aug 2021
1hr 33mins
Ranked #4
Are We Dating Them or Their Beverage?
Are We Dating Them or Their Beverage?
Do you judge your date by their drink? (Coffee drink, wavy drink, or their casual drink??)
30 Jul 2021
Ranked #5
Feelings of Meeting the One on a Dating App by The Carrots🥕
Feelings of Meeting the One on a Dating App by The Carrots🥕
Natalie Vs Jig-slaw. Nicole Vs DMV. Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge. Choose Your Fighter.
16 Jul 2021
Ranked #6
Zodiacs from a Libra and Scorpio’s POV🥕🥕
Zodiacs from a Libra and Scorpio’s POV🥕🥕
Our first big debatable question: “How do we feel about people who are deeply into zodiac signs.”
9 Jul 2021
Ranked #7
Intro to Carrots🥕
Intro to Carrots🥕
Hey guys, this is our first episode, please be nice… we’re sensitive. Thanks, enjoy!!🥕
3 Jul 2021
1hr 29mins
Ranked #8
Carrot Talks (Trailer)
Carrot Talks (Trailer)
24 Jun 2021