Cover image of Customers For Life

Customers For Life

80% of businesses believe they deliver 'superior' customer service, yet only 8% of their customers agree. That's mad! You could drive a freight train through that statistic. And this is exactly why ... Read more

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

CFL 005: The Meaning Of Life According To Your Customer

CFL 005: The Meaning Of Life According To Your Customer

When you think about every transaction that went off the rails and someone walked away frustrated, angry, disappointed o... Read more

18 May 2015


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

CFL 003: The Latest In Online Advertising With Jesse Jameson

CFL 003: The Latest In Online Advertising With Jesse Jameson

Want to retarget your website visitors with advertising like the enterprise level companies do? Small to mid-market busi... Read more

16 May 2015


Ranked #3

Podcast cover

CFL 023 - Secrets To The World's Most Inspiring Presentations With Jeremey Donovan

CFL 023 - Secrets To The World's Most Inspiring Presentations With Jeremey Donovan

In this episode we explore the big dividends behind the world's most inspiring presentations.  Guest Jeremey Donovan is ... Read more

6 Jul 2015


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

CFL 021 - Our Ridiculously Simple 8 Steps To Customer Recovery

CFL 021 - Our Ridiculously Simple 8 Steps To Customer Recovery

Benjamin Franklin said, "Only two things are certain in life; death and taxes." If you own a business then there is actu... Read more

23 Jun 2015


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Ranked #5

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CFL 007: Could Enormous Sales Growth Potential Be In The Palm Of Your Hand? With Guest Greg Hickman

CFL 007: Could Enormous Sales Growth Potential Be In The Palm Of Your Hand? With Guest Greg Hickman

Greg Hickman is an expert at mobile marketing for businesses and was developing strategies since the early days in 2002 ... Read more

21 May 2015


Ranked #6

Podcast cover

CFL 008 - 'No Problem' Is A HUGE Problem In The Language Of Service With Michael Kaleikini

CFL 008 - 'No Problem' Is A HUGE Problem In The Language Of Service With Michael Kaleikini

In this episode special guest Michael Kaleikini, Certified Trainer In American Business Etiquette, explores the best pra... Read more

25 May 2015


Ranked #7

Podcast cover

CFL 009 - An Overlooked Threat To Your Business: The Emotionally Detached Employee

CFL 009 - An Overlooked Threat To Your Business: The Emotionally Detached Employee

You have one shot to get it right with a customer; maybe two if you're extremely lucky. Employees who are detached emoti... Read more

26 May 2015


Ranked #8

Podcast cover

CFL 006: What's Working Now In PR With Heidi Yeranossian

CFL 006: What's Working Now In PR With Heidi Yeranossian

On this episode of Customers For Life, we explore the big dividends developing your businesses story. Listen in as PR ex... Read more

20 May 2015


Ranked #9

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CFL 004: What Is Your Brands Super Hero Power? With Patty Dominguez

CFL 004: What Is Your Brands Super Hero Power? With Patty Dominguez

Do you hear that dripping? It's the sound of money leaking out of your business. Special guest, branding expert Patty Do... Read more

17 May 2015


Ranked #10

Podcast cover

CFL 002: What Exactly Is Customer Engagement Anyway? With Dom Testa

CFL 002: What Exactly Is Customer Engagement Anyway? With Dom Testa

Radio show host and award winning author Dom Testa shares how he manages high touch engagement with his customers that s... Read more

14 May 2015


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