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WorldFish is an international, nonprofit research organization that harnesses the potential of fisheries and aquaculture to reduce hunger and poverty. In the developing world, more than one billion po... Read more

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Ranked #1

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Small farmed fish can improve vitamin A intake in Bangladesh

Small farmed fish can improve vitamin A intake in Bangladesh

A new WorldFish study finds that a long-term commitment to the farming of mola, a small indigenous fish species, could i... Read more

18 Jan 2016


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

Fishtrade for the Future: An opportunity for Africa

Fishtrade for the Future: An opportunity for Africa

FishTrade is a pan-African project that aims to strengthen the continent’s great potential for increased trade in fish. ... Read more

9 Oct 2015


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Chinese market drives demand for overexploited sea cucumber

Chinese market drives demand for overexploited sea cucumber

Sea cucumber is a luxury food item on the plates of wealthy Chinese consumers - a far cry from their origin in the tropi... Read more

5 Jun 2015


Ranked #4

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Why engaging men and boys is critical for gender equality

Why engaging men and boys is critical for gender equality

International Women's Day is a key moment to reflect on the underlying causes of gender inequalities that restrict the l... Read more

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Mapping the future of the Coral Triangle

Mapping the future of the Coral Triangle

The tropical waters of the Coral Triangle support the livelihoods of more than 130 million people. However, the area is ... Read more

8 Jan 2015


Ranked #6

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Farmer-led innovation key to lasting change

Farmer-led innovation key to lasting change

For agricultural research to have development impact, farmers should be involved in the process as co-researchers. A new... Read more

13 Oct 2014


Ranked #7

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Farmed fish feed Bangladesh’s poor

Farmed fish feed Bangladesh’s poor

A new report by WorldFish and the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies proves conclusively that growth in aquacul... Read more

25 Aug 2014


Ranked #8

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Aquaculture: meeting the global demand for fish

Aquaculture: meeting the global demand for fish

With our global population projected to reach more than 9 billion by 2050, aquaculture will need to more than double fro... Read more

4 Jun 2014


Ranked #9

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“What have you done with these women – they have changed!”

“What have you done with these women – they have changed!”

Celebrating positive impact in people's lives on the International Day of Rural Women

14 Oct 2013


Ranked #10

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"Big Salmon" steps up, but don't forget the little guys - for their sake and ours

"Big Salmon" steps up, but don't forget the little guys - for their sake and ours

The salmon industry's decision to collectively pursue Aquaculture Stewardship Council certification is an important step... Read more

28 Aug 2013


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