Cover image of BoldIdea Podcast - Put your faith to work and bring your bold idea to life.

BoldIdea Podcast - Put your faith to work and bring your bold idea to life.

The BoldIdea® Podcast features interviews, ideas, and inspiration to help you take bold steps to bring your bold idea to life. Put your faith to work.

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

062 Brian Bird on the power of a redemptive story

062 Brian Bird on the power of a redemptive story

Is there a place for Christians in popular art and culture? There most certainly is says Brian Bird, a successful Hollyw... Read more

21 Mar 2018


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

039 Five tools to beat distraction

039 Five tools to beat distraction

Are you constantly getting knocked off course in the pursuit of your BoldIdea? Do you get distracted easily? Have a long... Read more

27 Sep 2017


Ranked #3

Podcast cover

091 Phil Zahn on moving from bondage to bonding

091 Phil Zahn on moving from bondage to bonding

Phil Zahn is a bit of a mystery. He doesn’t like to name who he works for, where he’s traveling, or the people that he’s... Read more

3 Apr 2019


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

083 Dan Chrystal on the lost art of relationship

083 Dan Chrystal on the lost art of relationship

Dan Chrystal has uprooted his life and built himself a new community again and again and again, all while serving in the... Read more

12 Dec 2018


Most Popular Podcasts

Ranked #5

Podcast cover

067 Adam Davis on pain and transparency

067 Adam Davis on pain and transparency

Former police officer Adam Davis wants everyone to redeem the pain in their life through being transparent with themselv... Read more

2 May 2018


Ranked #6

Podcast cover

066 Whitney Johnson on leading with disruption

066 Whitney Johnson on leading with disruption

Whitney Johnson knows that personal disruption is the best way to level-up in your own career trajectory. She jumped fro... Read more

25 Apr 2018


Ranked #7

Podcast cover

041 Amanda Carroll on the single mom life

041 Amanda Carroll on the single mom life

Amanda Carroll found herself married, a mother of three, doing a morning show in Washington, D.C., and living what looke... Read more

11 Oct 2017


Ranked #8

Podcast cover

072 John Turnipseed on how I went from leading gangs to leading dads

072 John Turnipseed on how I went from leading gangs to leading dads

John Turnipseed used to lead a gang of 300 or more in Minneapolis, a gang with a reputation big enough and bad enough to... Read more

11 Jul 2018


Ranked #9

Podcast cover

042 Ward Brehm on how God changed a jerk

042 Ward Brehm on how God changed a jerk

Ward Brehm says he was "a jerk" before God changed his heart and a life. A retired successful businessman, Ward found th... Read more

18 Oct 2017


Ranked #10

Podcast cover

087 Aaron Walker on what makes a great mentor

087 Aaron Walker on what makes a great mentor

Aaron Walker spent decades as a successful businessman constantly reaching for the next big thing. When a horrendous car... Read more

6 Feb 2019


Ranked #11

Podcast cover

095 Patrick Morley on being a Christian man

095 Patrick Morley on being a Christian man

Patrick Morley founded the Man in the Mirror ministry nearly 30 years ago and since has helped over 35,000 churches mini... Read more

29 May 2019


Ranked #12

Podcast cover

071 Gigi Marvin on the time to act

071 Gigi Marvin on the time to act

Gigi Marvin is an expert at taking action. A professional hockey player and three-time Olympic medalist, Gigi helped Tea... Read more

20 Jun 2018


Ranked #13

Podcast cover

092 Elizabeth Adams on bringing your best in demanding life stages

092 Elizabeth Adams on bringing your best in demanding life stages

Elizabeth Adams found herself squeezed between adult children and an aging mother with cancer -- all of whom needed a lo... Read more

17 Apr 2019


Ranked #14

Podcast cover

090 The hidden cost of an idea

090 The hidden cost of an idea

Some of us are idea factories. We can’t stop having ideas. But with every idea comes a tax -- or two, or more -- and if ... Read more

20 Mar 2019


Ranked #15

Podcast cover

044 Wes Yoder on cultivating a life of curiosity

044 Wes Yoder on cultivating a life of curiosity

Can curiosity be cultivated? Wes Yoder thinks it can. Raised in an Amish and Mennonite community, it wasn’t until Wes wa... Read more

1 Nov 2017


Ranked #16

Podcast cover

078 Kelly Resendez on your voice as a masterpiece

078 Kelly Resendez on your voice as a masterpiece

Kelly Resendez knows what it’s like to be successful on the outside but unsatisfied on the inside.In 2002, Kelly was a m... Read more

3 Oct 2018


Ranked #17

Podcast cover

032 Kathleen Cooke on the influence of relationships

032 Kathleen Cooke on the influence of relationships

Kathleen Cooke is someone who is hard to keep up with---she’s an actress, author, speaker, and mentor seeking to connect... Read more

9 Aug 2017


Ranked #18

Podcast cover

076 Don Barden on authentic servant leadership

076 Don Barden on authentic servant leadership

Don Barden has a different model of leadership: He wants the people following him to leave him. It sounds different, and... Read more

5 Sep 2018


Ranked #19

Podcast cover

036 Phil Carson on trusting God in business failure

036 Phil Carson on trusting God in business failure

Dr. Phil Carson experienced severe stress-related health issues that led him to seek a more natural cure and livelihood.... Read more

6 Sep 2017


Ranked #20

Podcast cover

069 Why you need a supermodel

069 Why you need a supermodel

Leary and Armin have had a lot of great guests on the show, people whose lives they admire and seek to emulate. In this ... Read more

23 May 2018


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