Cover image of Science, Debating and Creationism

Science, Debating and Creationism

A Podcast attempting to explain science in easy terms, go over logical fallacies and tie these subjects into the creation/evolution debate.

Warning: This podcast has few episodes.

This means there isn't enough episodes to provide the most popular episodes. Here's the rankings of the current episodes anyway, we recommend you to revisit when there's more episodes!

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

07 Common Sense

07 Common Sense

Episode 7 explains why common sense is useless in science and gives some examples where common sense leads to false conc... Read more

9 Sep 2009

Ranked #2

Podcast cover

06 Same Genes Same Designer

06 Same Genes Same Designer

Episode 6 adds on to the Evidence given by Zachary Moore in Episode 5 and refutes the "Same Genes - Same Designer" argum... Read more

24 Aug 2009

Ranked #3

Podcast cover

04 Evolution and the Loaded Question

04 Evolution and the Loaded Question

Episode 4 explains the basics of evolutionary theory and cleans up some misconceptions about it, like the difference bet... Read more

5 Aug 2009

Ranked #4

Podcast cover

03 Creationist Classifications and Equivocation

03 Creationist Classifications and Equivocation

Episode 3 tries to classify creationists in three main groups. I talk about their main ideas and what kind of arguments ... Read more

5 Aug 2009

Most Popular Podcasts

Ranked #5

Podcast cover

02 Science and the False Dichotomy

02 Science and the False Dichotomy

Episode 2 talks about Science in general, peer review, methodological naturalism and defines some terms (fact, theory, h... Read more

5 Aug 2009

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