Cover image of 腦作大搜索


源自人氣文藝網台節目 腦作大業。透過討論一些疑幻似真的傳説,神話或靈異現象,跟聽眾一起用不同角度去分析及求証。我們對解不開的謎團有著無限著迷,正好可以開拓新的思想領域!We discuss paranormal phenomena, historical mysteries and legends from different perspectives. Our host... Read more

Warning: This podcast has few episodes.

This means there isn't enough episodes to provide the most popular episodes. Here's the rankings of the current episodes anyway, we recommend you to revisit when there's more episodes!

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

無法無天 - 揭開魔法神秘面紗

無法無天 - 揭開魔法神秘面紗


30 Jan 2021

1hr 16mins

Ranked #2

Podcast cover

「命裡有時」之一 - 天命難違?

「命裡有時」之一 - 天命難違?


21 Apr 2020

1hr 30mins

Ranked #3

Podcast cover

吸血迷思 - 中外吸血殭屍

吸血迷思 - 中外吸血殭屍


21 Mar 2020

1hr 23mins

Ranked #4

Podcast cover

一神之王 - 阿肯拿頓與摩西

一神之王 - 阿肯拿頓與摩西

講述埃及法老王阿肯拿頓(Akhenaten) 和摩西的傳奇,作為一神論的宗教改革者,究竟阿肯拿頓同摩西是否同一個人呢? 今集會和聽眾一起分析各方面的線索。

11 Mar 2020

1hr 25mins

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