Ranked #1
What is an Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnosis; and How is it Useful for Understanding Parental Alienation, Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy and/or Factitious Disorder by Proxy? Podcast I of II…
What is an Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnosis; and How is it Useful for Understanding Parental Alienation, Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy and/or Factitious Disorder by Proxy? Podcast I of II…
In his most recent book, “Parental Alienation and Factitious Disorder by Proxy, Beyond DSM-5: Interrelated Multidimensio... Read more
27 Mar 2021
Ranked #2
The Complaint, and the path to Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses
The Complaint, and the path to Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses
In his most recent book, “Parental Alienation and Factitious Disorder by Proxy, Beyond DSM-5: Interrelated Multidimensio... Read more
19 Sep 2020