Ranked #1

111 - God Provides a Bride for Isaac [b]
111 - God Provides a Bride for Isaac [b]
8 Nov 2005
Ranked #2

15 - Creation and Evolution: Monkeys, Men and Mutations [c]
15 - Creation and Evolution: Monkeys, Men and Mutations [c]
11 Jun 2003
Ranked #3

26 - Doctrine of Divine Institutions [c]
26 - Doctrine of Divine Institutions [c]
9 Sep 2003
Ranked #4

163 - Dan - Samson and Idolatry [b]
163 - Dan - Samson and Idolatry [b]
1 May 2007
Ranked #5

62 - Review: Evidence of the Flood, Young Earth vs. Old Earth [a]
62 - Review: Evidence of the Flood, Young Earth vs. Old Earth [a]
11 Aug 2004
1hr 5mins
Ranked #6

149 - Exposing Guilt for Forward Momentum [b]
149 - Exposing Guilt for Forward Momentum [b]
19 Dec 2006
Ranked #7

156 - Wilberforce, Slavery, and the Bible [b]
156 - Wilberforce, Slavery, and the Bible [b]
27 Feb 2007
Ranked #8

6 - Beginnings, God the Creator [b]
6 - Beginnings, God the Creator [b]
26 Mar 2003
Ranked #9

64 - Review: Babel, Genesis of Cosmic Thought - Part 2 [a]
64 - Review: Babel, Genesis of Cosmic Thought - Part 2 [a]
25 Aug 2004
Ranked #10

41 - The Flood, Grace, Judgment, Salvation [a]
41 - The Flood, Grace, Judgment, Salvation [a]
4 Feb 2004
1hr 2mins
Ranked #11

55 - First Attempt at Internationalism: Babel [b]
55 - First Attempt at Internationalism: Babel [b]
9 Jun 2004
Ranked #12

164 - Dan and the Development of Idolatry [b]
164 - Dan and the Development of Idolatry [b]
8 May 2007
Ranked #13

172 - Burial of Jacob - Death of Joseph [b]
172 - Burial of Jacob - Death of Joseph [b]
31 Jul 2007
Ranked #14

63 - Review: Babel, Genesis of Cosmic Thought - Part 1 [a]
63 - Review: Babel, Genesis of Cosmic Thought - Part 1 [a]
18 Aug 2004
Ranked #15

27 - Responsible Labor, Value, Imputation and Marriage [c]
27 - Responsible Labor, Value, Imputation and Marriage [c]
16 Sep 2003
Ranked #16

146 - Providential Preparation [b]
146 - Providential Preparation [b]
26 Sep 2006
Ranked #17

39 - Sons of God, Nephilim, Demonic Attack [b]
39 - Sons of God, Nephilim, Demonic Attack [b]
7 Jan 2004
Ranked #18

115 - Birth of Jacob - Election [b]
115 - Birth of Jacob - Election [b]
20 Dec 2005
1hr 4mins
Ranked #19

7 - God, Creation Words, Pagan Cosmogonies [b]
7 - God, Creation Words, Pagan Cosmogonies [b]
2 Apr 2003
Ranked #20

85 - The Truth About Tithing, The Test of Gratitude [c]
85 - The Truth About Tithing, The Test of Gratitude [c]
15 Mar 2005