Ranked #1
Episode 4: "A lot of Stuff You'd Never Know" with Norah Jones
Episode 4: "A lot of Stuff You'd Never Know" with Norah Jones
Norah Jones is one of America's most beloved singer/songwriters. Everyone knows about her velvet voice and keen sen... Read more
29 Jun 2021
Ranked #2
Episode 3: "Ok, What Really Happened Was..." featuring Jerry O'Connell & Justin Long
Episode 3: "Ok, What Really Happened Was..." featuring Jerry O'Connell & Justin Long
In this episode, Seth gets into with one of America's favorite actor's & personalities, Jerry O'Connell. As Jerry p... Read more
7 Feb 2021
Ranked #3
Episode 1: "Insurrectile Dysfunction" featuring Dion Flynn
Episode 1: "Insurrectile Dysfunction" featuring Dion Flynn
In this inaugural edition of The Sweetest Pod, Seth deconstructs what happened with the attack the Capitol a couple days... Read more
14 Jan 2021
Ranked #4
Episode 2: : "Never Told Stories" Seth & Questlove get into it, and tell each other some stories they never normally tell
Episode 2: : "Never Told Stories" Seth & Questlove get into it, and tell each other some stories they never normally tell
As a great second episode, to help launch of "The Sweetest Pod," I chose this very engaging chat between myself and Ques... Read more
30 Dec 2020