Cover image of Asatru Rising

Asatru Rising

This is the Asatru Folk Assembly's podcast station, chronicling the joyous rise of native European religion in the modern world.

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

Recovering the Soul of Our People

Recovering the Soul of Our People

Individuals in shamanic cultures sometimes "lose their souls," and a spiritual specialist has to make a journey to the O... Read more

15 Aug 2010


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

The Asatru Folk Assembly and Community

The Asatru Folk Assembly and Community

There's a lot of talk on the Internet about Asatru communities.  How can we develop these?  More specifically, can a nat... Read more

2 Sep 2010


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Asatru and Winter Nights

Asatru and Winter Nights

Winter Nights is the holy time when we of Asatru honor the Disir  -  the female ancestors of our line, often thought of ... Read more

27 Oct 2010


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

Asatru Communities - Looking Deeper

Asatru Communities - Looking Deeper

In this episode, we take a deeper look at Asatru communities.  We examine how they fall under the "job description" of t... Read more

20 Sep 2010


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The AFA's Mission in 2011

The AFA's Mission in 2011

For millions of Americans and other people around the globe, 2010 was a rough year economically and spiritually.  Now, h... Read more

16 Jan 2011


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