Cover image of Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism is Oxford University's international research centre in the comparative study of news media.

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

How Technology can help to Democratise the Media

How Technology can help to Democratise the Media

Shu Chaudhary gives a talk for the Reuters School of Journalism, Seminar series.

11 Mar 2013


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

Reporting the EU: News, Media and the European Institutions launch event at ECFR

Reporting the EU: News, Media and the European Institutions launch event at ECFR

Launch event of the Reuters Institute new report 'Reporting the EU'. Speakers; Sara Hobolt, Professor and Deputy Head o... Read more

28 Oct 2014

1hr 2mins

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Ranked #3

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Innovation and the conversation on the rise of China

Innovation and the conversation on the rise of China

Gary Liu, CEO, South China Morning Post, gives a talk for the Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series.

15 Jun 2018


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

Women in Journalism - a new kind of glass ceiling?

Women in Journalism - a new kind of glass ceiling?

Suzanne Franks, City University, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute of Journalism seminar series.

19 Dec 2012


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Ranked #5

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Politicians and Journalists: Friends or Foes?

Politicians and Journalists: Friends or Foes?

Deborah Davies, Channel 4 Dispatches, gives a talk for the Reuters Seminar Series on 2nd November 2011.

18 Nov 2011


Ranked #6

Podcast cover

Networked Journalism and the Age of Social Discovery [2011]

Networked Journalism and the Age of Social Discovery [2011]

Nic Newman, RISJ Visiting Fellow, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism seminar series on t... Read more

31 Oct 2011


Ranked #7

Podcast cover

Behind the lens: The impact and implications of visual storytelling

Behind the lens: The impact and implications of visual storytelling

Award-winning photojournalist and documentary maker Hazel Thompson talks about shedding light on marginalised communitie... Read more

10 Dec 2018


Ranked #8

Podcast cover

Putting the audience at the heart of journalism

Putting the audience at the heart of journalism

Federica Cherubini, Engagement Manager at Hearken, on tried and tested methods of audience engagement in journalism

4 Dec 2019


Ranked #9

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Surviving the cash crunch: Bhekisisa's road to non-profit health and social justice journalism

Surviving the cash crunch: Bhekisisa's road to non-profit health and social justice journalism

Mia Malan, journalist, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series.

18 Oct 2019


Ranked #10

Podcast cover

What are the needs and challenges for data visualisation? - Media Perspective part one

What are the needs and challenges for data visualisation? - Media Perspective part one

Claire Miller, Senior Data Journalist, Trinity Mirror Regionals, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series.

18 Nov 2014


Ranked #11

Podcast cover

Social media, democracy and dissent in Sri Lanka

Social media, democracy and dissent in Sri Lanka

Meera Selva, Director of the Reuters Institute Journalism Fellowship Programme, addresses our closing seminar of the ter... Read more

24 Jun 2019


Ranked #12

Podcast cover

Foreign Correspondence and Fixers: The Missing Link

Foreign Correspondence and Fixers: The Missing Link

Colleen Murrell (Deakin University) gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series.

12 Dec 2011


Ranked #13

Podcast cover

What are the needs and challenges for data visualisation? - Media Perspective part two

What are the needs and challenges for data visualisation? - Media Perspective part two

Alan Smith, Principal Methodologist, Data Visualisation at Office for National Statistics, gives a talk for the Reuters ... Read more

18 Nov 2014


Ranked #14

Podcast cover

Britain, Brexit and the new political chaos

Britain, Brexit and the new political chaos

Jack Blanchard, editor, London playbook at Politico, gives a talk as part of the The Business and Practice of Journalism... Read more

8 Nov 2017


Ranked #15

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From Afghanistan to a more dangerous world

From Afghanistan to a more dangerous world

Christina Lamb, Foreign affairs correspondent, Sunday Times, gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalis... Read more

31 Oct 2016


Ranked #16

Podcast cover

The failure of political journalism

The failure of political journalism

In this seminar, Helen describes the seductive power of the collective narrative as being one of the most distorting for... Read more

31 May 2019


Ranked #17

Podcast cover

Breaking News: The Remaking of Journalism

Breaking News: The Remaking of Journalism

Alan Rusbridger, former editor of the Guardian, talks about the newspaper industry, what makes good journalism, the role... Read more

2 Nov 2018


Ranked #18

Podcast cover

Journalism under assault

Journalism under assault

Meera Selva, Director of the RISJ Journalist Fellowship Programme, discusses attacks on journalists and the media in cen... Read more

5 Nov 2019


Ranked #19

Podcast cover

Short and strong: Making the Economist Espresso

Short and strong: Making the Economist Espresso

Lane Greene, language columnist and editor of the Economist's daily briefing, Espresso, on creating the ultra-concise ne... Read more

5 Feb 2019


Ranked #20

Podcast cover

How journalism faces a second wave of disruption from technology and changing audience behaviour

How journalism faces a second wave of disruption from technology and changing audience behaviour

Nic Newman (former Future Media Controller, BBC and RISJ Research Associate) gives a talk for the Reuters Institute semi... Read more

3 Nov 2014


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