Cover image of Dollar Collapse

Dollar Collapse

Your ringside seat to the coming global financial collapse

Podcast cover

John Rubino with Kerry Lutz--Tulip Backed Crypto-Currencies?

John Rubino with Kerry Lutz--Tulip Backed Crypto-Currencies?

What can you say about crypto-currencies that hasn't been said already. However, Kerry and I are proposing a new form of... Read more

20 Jun 2017


Podcast cover

John Rubino with Kerry Lutz --London Is Falling

John Rubino with Kerry Lutz --London Is Falling

Terrorist attacks have become a regular occurrence in England. What can be done about it? Seems like there's always a re... Read more

7 Jun 2017


Podcast cover

John Rubino with Kerry Lutz - Banner Month for Bartenders and Part-timers

John Rubino with Kerry Lutz - Banner Month for Bartenders and Part-timers

Employment numbers came in highly negative. Full time employment down, bartenders and part-timer employment went up. Thi... Read more

5 Jun 2017


Podcast cover

Bitcoins Big Move - with John Rubino & Kerry Lutz

Bitcoins Big Move - with John Rubino & Kerry Lutz

Trump's first overseas trip have proved and unmitigated success. While it looks good now, we've never been able to figur... Read more

23 May 2017


Most Popular Podcasts

Podcast cover

New Mining Super Stars Round Table w/Kerry Lutz, Jay Taylor & John Rubino

New Mining Super Stars Round Table w/Kerry Lutz, Jay Taylor & John Rubino

It's no secret that finding the mother lode keeps getting harder and harder to do. A new generation of miners is enterin... Read more

9 May 2017


Podcast cover

Kerry Lutz with John Rubino - Is Everything These Days Too Big To Fail?

Kerry Lutz with John Rubino - Is Everything These Days Too Big To Fail?

Kerry and John discuss -News from China says that the world's largest aluminum producer, China Hongqiao Group,  is on th... Read more

18 Apr 2017


Podcast cover

GDP Plunge with John Rubino & Kerry Lutz

GDP Plunge with John Rubino & Kerry Lutz

Debt is still growing way faster than GDP. Therefore, we're just digging a bigger hole. For most of the past 6 months it... Read more

3 Apr 2017


Podcast cover

Inflation + Populism = Soaring Gold

Inflation + Populism = Soaring Gold

Inflation is back, thanks to the past year's global debt and money printing binge. Meanwhile populist politicians are ga... Read more

13 Mar 2017


Podcast cover

Everything Is Going Sideways - For How Much Longer?

Everything Is Going Sideways - For How Much Longer?

The news is slow. Not much coming out of Trump. Not much coming out of Europe. Outside of the Academy Awards debacle las... Read more

27 Feb 2017


Podcast cover

The Big, Bad Things That WON'T Change Under Trump

The Big, Bad Things That WON'T Change Under Trump

A new administration means new policies. But the only up to a point. Debt will continue to soar, which means financial i... Read more

2 Feb 2017


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