Cover image of Financial Excellence with Game Changers, presented by SAP

Financial Excellence with Game Changers, presented by SAP

Game-changing technologies are transformational, exciting, and can move you in amazing new directions. They get you thinking about new ways to scale, compete and grow profitably – driving efficiency f... Read more

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

Predictive Close/Predictive Accounting: Getting Granular

Predictive Close/Predictive Accounting: Getting Granular

The buzz: “Predicting better than pure guesswork, even if not accurately, delivers real value” (Eric Siegel). The lines ... Read more

17 Oct 2017


Ranked #2

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Optimizing Working Capital: Cashing-In for Your Bottom Line

Optimizing Working Capital: Cashing-In for Your Bottom Line

The buzz: “Working capital optimization is increasingly on boards’ radar as they look for opportunities to enhance share... Read more

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