Cover image of Ask the Naked Scientists

Ask the Naked Scientists

How many organs could you donate and remain alive? How many planet Earths could fit inside the Sun? How high is a giraffe's blood pressure? Why is the sea blue? To find out, Ask The Naked Scientists!

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

How long can a human heart remain stopped?

How long can a human heart remain stopped?

What causes jaundice in newborn babies? What is vitiligo? How do liquids behave in space? What causes cardiac arrests? W... Read more

23 Mar 2012


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

How do Touch Screens Work?

How do Touch Screens Work?

Why do adults smell more than children? How are bionic implants contributing to longevity? What is progeria? How do touc... Read more

26 Apr 2013


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Can you be born circumcised?

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What Keeps the Sun Burning?

What Keeps the Sun Burning?

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Do dogs recognise their reflections?

Do dogs recognise their reflections?

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Why do pigeons bob their heads?

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Can you stop a yawn with a finger?

Can you stop a yawn with a finger?

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Does Prince Andrew not sweat in nightclubs?

Does Prince Andrew not sweat in nightclubs?

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How high can a fly fly?

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Can phantom limb pain be treated?

Can phantom limb pain be treated?

Can overhead electrical cables interfere with radio signals? Are diesel and petrol made differently? What is a vasectomy... Read more

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