Cover image of Fermilab Today Result of the Week

Fermilab Today Result of the Week

An audio podcast of Fermilab news, featuring physics results

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

Fermilab launches new institute for quantum science

Fermilab launches new institute for quantum science

Among the Fermilab Quantum Institute’s suite of programs is a project to look for direct evidence of dark matter. Photo:... Read more

11 Dec 2019


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

ANNIE poised to take data on neutrino-nucleus interactions

ANNIE poised to take data on neutrino-nucleus interactions

Photomultiplier tubes dot the 26-ton water tank of ANNIE, the Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment. Photo... Read more

8 Jan 2020


Ranked #3

Podcast cover

High-resolution MicroBooNE detector provides new details in neutrino-argon interaction measurement

High-resolution MicroBooNE detector provides new details in neutrino-argon interaction measurement

A neutrino candidate event selected by this analysis is shown as a bird’s-eye view of the MicroBooNE detector. In this v... Read more

29 Jan 2020


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

Discovery of a new type of particle beam instability

Discovery of a new type of particle beam instability

Recent measurements at the Fermilab Booster accelerator confirmed existence of a certain kind of particle beam instabili... Read more

4 Dec 2019


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Ranked #5

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ADMX experiment places world’s best constraint on dark matter axions

ADMX experiment places world’s best constraint on dark matter axions

As the ADMX detector is removed from its magnet, the liquid helium used to cool the experiment forms vapor. Photo: Raksh... Read more

18 Dec 2019


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