Cover image of The Perfecting Church

The Perfecting Church

Podcast of the Perfecting Church located in Sewell, NJ. For more information visit,

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

Divine Interruptions

Divine Interruptions

God has an overarching plan for creation and our lives. He has created all things for His glory, that all of creation mi... Read more

19 Jan 2020


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

Fuel for the Fight

Fuel for the Fight

We live in a world full of exhausted people. Social media is taking its toll. Sleeplessness, anxiety, stress and depress... Read more

24 Nov 2019


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One world. Two choices

One world. Two choices

The global health crisis has awakened us all to a truth we too often forget. No matter our religious beliefs, socioecono... Read more

22 Mar 2020

1hr 9mins

Ranked #4

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It's Complicated

It's Complicated

God’s rescue and reclaiming of humankind through Jesus Christ is the most exceptional act of love in the history of crea... Read more

9 Feb 2020


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Ranked #5

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In the Eye of the Beholder

In the Eye of the Beholder

There’s a popular saying, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Said differently, beauty is not found in the object, b... Read more

15 Mar 2020


Ranked #6

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God's Beloved

God's Beloved

Scarcity entered this world back in the Garden of Eden, when we separated from our Source. Scarcity does not return to g... Read more

5 Apr 2020


Ranked #7

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Primary Abundance & Secondary Success…

Primary Abundance & Secondary Success…

This world is filled with secondary success and governed by primary abundance. Secondary success is what we see, experie... Read more

8 Mar 2020


Ranked #8

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The Goodness of Friday

The Goodness of Friday

There was nothing good about that Friday for those who loved and followed Jesus. Friday marked the death of their Rabbi... Read more

10 Apr 2020


Ranked #9

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Still We Rise

Still We Rise

The Resurrection is the source of the most profound hope we will ever find. Through His suffering, death, burial and res... Read more

12 Apr 2020


Ranked #10

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The Prodigal Father

The Prodigal Father

“Prodigal” is expending resources freely, what some might consider recklessly, wastefully or extravagantly. The God of h... Read more

29 Mar 2020

1hr 2mins

Ranked #11

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Whole Hearted Devotion

Whole Hearted Devotion

In our journey of faith, we are often tempted to settle in our comfort zones, satisfied with the blessing we have receiv... Read more

23 Feb 2020


Ranked #12

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Trying to Be Happy

Trying to Be Happy

We live in a world and time where the popular solution to every difficult experience is cheer up and get over it. Too o... Read more

17 Nov 2019


Ranked #13

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Don't Stop Believing

Don't Stop Believing

We must always remember who we are, priest of the Most High God. And despite the difficulties and seeming failures in ou... Read more

8 Dec 2019


Ranked #14

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The American Dream Redefined

The American Dream Redefined

The American Dream has been redefined by the next generation. They no longer want to live lead by a pursuit of provision... Read more

5 Feb 2020


Ranked #15

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When We Have Nothing Else

When We Have Nothing Else

Christmas expresses the truth of God With Us in a way that requires us to grasp its gift over and over again to truly an... Read more

22 Dec 2019


Ranked #16

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It's Spiritual Before It's Natural

It's Spiritual Before It's Natural

Everything in the physical realm began in the unseen, spiritual realm. All we can see and handle was once a thought in ... Read more

17 Feb 2020


Ranked #17

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All Eyes On Him

All Eyes On Him

“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, Go... Read more

1 Dec 2019


Ranked #18

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He Sees You

He Sees You

Since the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden, we have sought to return to God’s presence. Despite man’s best effort... Read more

15 Dec 2019


Ranked #19

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The Poverty of Presence

The Poverty of Presence

Texts. Emails. Tweets. Posts. DMs. In a day and age where our pace is driven by our tethered device, how does one find s... Read more

4 Mar 2020


Ranked #20

Podcast cover

What We See or What He Says

What We See or What He Says

Given the choice, most people will choose the riches of a good temporal life over the treasures of the abundant eternal ... Read more

1 Mar 2020


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