Cover image of Truth Be Told Paranormal

Truth Be Told Paranormal

Truth Be Told is a live 1-hour radio/webtv show with Host and Founder Tony Sweet. We seek answers from the world's leading experts in the field of UFO investigations, abductions, the Paranormal, secre... Read more

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

John B. Wells, Host of Caravan To Midnight give Exclusive Behind The Scene of the JFK Assassination

John B. Wells, Host of Caravan To Midnight give Exclusive Behind The Scene of the JFK Assassination

Legend Radio Host and Voice Over Actor John B. Wells talks openly about his career and what inspired him pursue alternat... Read more

20 May 2016


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

Humans Are A Alien Laboratory by UFO Expert & Host Linda Moulton Howe

Humans Are A Alien Laboratory by UFO Expert & Host Linda Moulton Howe

Emmy Winning Journalist and UFO Expert Linda Moulton Howe talks about how humans are an experience and a laboratory. Ch... Read more

9 Dec 2016


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Alien World Order, Reptilians Plan to Conquer the Human Race with Author Len Kasten

Author Len Kasten shares new documents to expose the sinister alien influence in world governments, financial systems, a... Read more

14 Apr 2017


Ranked #4

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UFO Disclosure 2018 and Did Trump Get the Clearance Knowledge of the UFO Agenda with Linda Moulton Howe

UFO Disclosure 2018 and Did Trump Get the Clearance Knowledge of the UFO Agenda with Linda Moulton Howe

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Jordan Maxwell- "Christianity is not what people think it is"

Jordan Maxwell- "Christianity is not what people think it is"

Truth Be Told is joined by Legendary Researcher Jordan Maxwell Live at the Los Angeles Hilton Hotel. He discusses his ne... Read more

24 Mar 2017


Ranked #6

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Hybrid Humans, Göbekli Tepe, and the Genesis of the Giants of Ancient America

Hybrid Humans, Göbekli Tepe, and the Genesis of the Giants of Ancient America

The authors trace the migrations of the Denisovan giants throughout the world, their cultural and technological influenc... Read more

3 Dec 2019


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Nuclear Catastrophe On Mars, Who Did It? Author Dr. John Brandenburg

Nuclear Catastrophe On Mars, Who Did It? Author Dr. John Brandenburg

Author and Plasma Physicist gives us proof that there was a nuclear catastrophe on mars and a dead civilization that is ... Read more

11 Nov 2016


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Billy Spanier - Energy Healer

Billy Spanier - Energy Healer

29 May 2015


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JFK: Secret Service set him up; six shooters IDed: Dr. James Fetzer

JFK: Secret Service set him up; six shooters IDed: Dr. James Fetzer

Dr. James Fetzer finally in studio with Tony and Captain Ron to talk about his upcoming JFK Conference on the 100th Birt... Read more

26 May 2017


Ranked #10

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The Truth Behind the 'JFK Files'- James Fetzer Ph.D

The Truth Behind the 'JFK Files'- James Fetzer Ph.D

Professor Jim Fetzer gives in depth analysis of the Newly released 'JFK Files' and what we know about them thus far. Fol... Read more

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The Witch Trials of Salem with Author Frances Hill

The Witch Trials of Salem with Author Frances Hill

Author Frances Hill takes us back to the 1600's with her research and book ok the The Witch Trials, Her book titled A D... Read more

22 Jul 2016


Ranked #12

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Stanley Kubrick Exposed the Illuminati.. Spielberg Covered it Up- Jay Weidner

Stanley Kubrick Exposed the Illuminati.. Spielberg Covered it Up- Jay Weidner

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10 Mar 2017


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Kevin Todeschi on Edgar Cayce Prophecies and The Akashic Records

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28 Apr 2017


Ranked #14

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Ancient Civilization Had Nuclear Weapons as told by Author Joseph Farrell

Ancient Civilization Had Nuclear Weapons as told by Author Joseph Farrell

Author Joseph Farrell through his research he finds in ancient text the prove that Earth once had Nuclear Technology mor... Read more

27 Jan 2017


Ranked #15

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The Real Story Behind the FBI's Deadly Waco Siege with FBI Agent Gary Gary Noesner

The Real Story Behind the FBI's Deadly Waco Siege with FBI Agent Gary Gary Noesner

Former FBI Negotiator and Author Gary Noesner, author of "Stalling for Time".talks about the real story behind the scene... Read more

1 May 2018


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Who Really Killed Robert F. Kennedy? with Dr. James Fetzer

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America: Nation of the Goddess with Janet Wolter and Alan Butler

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Our Soul Group in The Afterlife with Author and Producer Richard Martini

Author and Producer Richard Martini talks about how we choose our life before we come to Earth and we discuss it in our ... Read more

22 Jun 2018

1hr 48mins

Ranked #20

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Egypt and Lebanon Ancient Ruins with Stephen Mehler

Egypt and Lebanon Ancient Ruins with Stephen Mehler

19 Jun 2015


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