Ranked #1

210: Rich Pervert
210: Rich Pervert
Awsten + Travis wonder whether the devil is coming for them, browse the Bodybuilding forums, and let out "a whorish moan... Read more
24 Jan 2019
1hr 30mins
Ranked #2

103: Sellout
103: Sellout
Awsten + Travis ponder the potential downfall of Waterparks, discuss the coziness of dumpsters, and debate Oxford comma ... Read more
30 Jan 2018
Ranked #3

104: Bringing the Slams
104: Bringing the Slams
Awsten + Travis attempt to silence an insatiable hound, talk with a dear friend on the phone, and change the topic of th... Read more
6 Feb 2018
Ranked #4

207: Awsten Goes to Hell (Guest: Geoff Wigington)
207: Awsten Goes to Hell (Guest: Geoff Wigington)
Awsten + Travis try to regain their stans, learn about their bodies, and veto reading a story for the first time ever.
3 Jan 2019
1hr 2mins
Ranked #5

106: This Is Passion (Guest: Jawn Rocha)
106: This Is Passion (Guest: Jawn Rocha)
Awsten + Travis chastise their guest, reassess their views on childhood favorites, and chastise their guest.
20 Feb 2018
Ranked #6

110: This Whole Podcast Was a Bad Idea
110: This Whole Podcast Was a Bad Idea
Awsten + Travis hunker down for the finale, discuss their experiences with enemas, and look to the future.
20 Mar 2018
Ranked #7

105: Clams
105: Clams
Awsten + Travis discuss the Made in America tour, absorb a shocking revelation, and explore the Felony Steve mythos.
13 Feb 2018
Ranked #8

Awsten + Travis appreciate attention to detail, schedule a date, and learn about the art of seduction.
27 Feb 2018
Ranked #9

209: Happy Ending (Guest: Gracie Knight)
209: Happy Ending (Guest: Gracie Knight)
Awsten + Travis welcome their plan B guest, exchange DMs with Drake on iTunes, and supplement a story with adlibs.
17 Jan 2019
Ranked #10

202: Fart Boys: Episode 3 (Guest: Otto Wood)
202: Fart Boys: Episode 3 (Guest: Otto Wood)
Awsten + Travis give their fanbase a name, reveal the title of the next Waterparks album, and imagine Travis naked.
15 Nov 2018
Ranked #11

208: The Worst Episode
208: The Worst Episode
Awsten + Travis create new podcasts for their friends, get a massage from Jawn, and reach a new milestone for the show.
10 Jan 2019
1hr 3mins
Ranked #12

108: Sweating (Guest: Anonymous)
108: Sweating (Guest: Anonymous)
Awsten + Travis talk like a baby, try to calm their guest down, and censor half the episode.
6 Mar 2018
Ranked #13

204: Suck Them Fingers
204: Suck Them Fingers
Awsten + Travis ponder their cursed existence, challenge the cowards in Hollywood, and make plans together.
6 Dec 2018
1hr 1min
Ranked #14

201: We’re Very Humble
201: We’re Very Humble
Awsten + Travis try to overcome illiteracy, discuss famous animals, and peruse Michael Cera's IMDB page.
8 Nov 2018
1hr 4mins
Ranked #15

109: A Review of Entertainment
109: A Review of Entertainment
Awsten + Travis explain the title of their show, get spooked, and wish they got more spooked.
13 Mar 2018