Cover image of Food is Medicine with Patrick Holford

Food is Medicine with Patrick Holford

Patrick Holford is a pioneer in new approaches to health and nutrition and is widely regarded as Britain’s best-selling author and leading spokesman on nutrition and mental health issues. With new dis... Read more

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

Food is Medicine 5 : How to Lose Weight Healthily

Food is Medicine 5 : How to Lose Weight Healthily

How to Lose Weight Healthily: Nutrition expert Patrick Holford explains how following a low glycaemic load diet is the m... Read more

1 Jan 2012


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

Food is Medicine 4 : How to Detox and Avoid Hangovers

Food is Medicine 4 : How to Detox and Avoid Hangovers

How to Detox and Avoid Hangovers: Nutrition expert Patrick Holford explains why it’s helpful to detox and how to do it s... Read more

1 Dec 2011


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Food is Medicine 6 : Say No to Arthritis

Food is Medicine 6 : Say No to Arthritis

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Food is Medicine 8 : Say No To Cancer

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