Ranked #1

Jay Jobanputra: "A mathematician will always stand out"
Jay Jobanputra: "A mathematician will always stand out"
Jay Jobanputra talks about his career as a mathematician in the investment banking sector in the UK and abroad. He now w... Read more
31 May 2012
Ranked #2

Mason Porter: "I don't usually prove theorems"
Mason Porter: "I don't usually prove theorems"
Mason Porter is an applied mathematician who is a University Lecturer and Tutor at the University of Oxford. He talks ab... Read more
31 May 2012
Ranked #3

Danny Brown: How about physically making something?
Danny Brown: How about physically making something?
Danny Brown is a mathematics teacher at Thomas Tallis School in Greenwich.He talks about: is he a "mathematician"? (a... Read more
31 May 2012
Ranked #4

Hugh Everett III: Many Worlds of Mathematics
Hugh Everett III: Many Worlds of Mathematics
Tony Mann talks about the career of Hugh Everett III (1930 - 1982), famous for his "Many Worlds" interpretation of quant... Read more
31 May 2012
Ranked #5

Sue Merchant: "An ability to empathise with the client"
Sue Merchant: "An ability to empathise with the client"
Sue Merchant is an independent management consultant. She is a past President of the Operational Research Society and Vi... Read more
31 May 2012