Postscript: Where to go next
Postscript: Where to go next
Some suggestions of where the student can get moreexposure to algorithms for bioinformatics and computational biology.
1 Feb 2010

Lecture 30: Maximum Parsimony and minimum mutation methods
Lecture 30: Maximum Parsimony and minimum mutation methods
Building evolutionary trees from sequence data. The Maximum Parsimony criteria, the special case of Perfect Phylogeny, a... Read more
31 Jan 2010

Lecture 29; Additive trees and the Neighbor-Joining algorithm
Lecture 29; Additive trees and the Neighbor-Joining algorithm
Additive trees and their construction. The Neighbor-Joining algorithm and its use with near-additive data. Bootstrap va... Read more
30 Jan 2010

Lecture 28: Algorithms for Ultrametric trees — molecular clocks
Lecture 28: Algorithms for Ultrametric trees — molecular clocks
Algorithms for constructing an Ultrametric Tree from an Ultrametric Matrix, and the relationship of ultrametrics to the ... Read more
29 Jan 2010

Lecture 27: Introduction to evolutionary trees - Ultrametric trees
Lecture 27: Introduction to evolutionary trees - Ultrametric trees
lntroduction to trees that represent evolution. We start with the case of perfect data: the Ultrametric tree case.
28 Jan 2010

Lecture 26: Hidden Markov models - The Backwards algorithm
Lecture 26: Hidden Markov models - The Backwards algorithm
What the Backwards algorithm computes and why we want it.Profile HMMs and their use. Cleaning up some topics in sequence... Read more
27 Jan 2010

Lecture 25: From the Vitterbi algorithm to the forward algorithm
Lecture 25: From the Vitterbi algorithm to the forward algorithm
This class finishes the discussion of the Vitterbi algorithm, its time analysis and the traceback algorithm. Introductio... Read more
26 Jan 2010

Lecture 24: Hidden Markov models and the Vitterbi algorithm
Lecture 24: Hidden Markov models and the Vitterbi algorithm
Finish the discussion of HMMs for CpG islands. Introductionto the Vitterbi algorithm (really dynamic programming)to find... Read more
25 Jan 2010

Lecture 23: Hidden Markov models
Lecture 23: Hidden Markov models
Hidden Markov models to identify CpG islands. Thislecture follows the discussion in Durbin and Eddy.
24 Jan 2010

Lecture 22: From profiles to Markov models
Lecture 22: From profiles to Markov models
Finish the discussion of profiles and log-odds ratios. introduction to Markov Modelsand Hidden Markov Models
23 Jan 2010