Cover image of Design and Designing - for iPad/Mac/PC

Design and Designing - for iPad/Mac/PC

How do you start to design a product? Can drawing techniques be learned? And why is modelling such a useful technique? This album introduces the basic skills necessary to communicate ideas on paper, a... Read more

Ranked #1

Podcast cover

Sketching complex objects

Sketching complex objects

Using the drawing techniques of perspective, ovals, crating and outlining to draw a children's toy.

20 May 2008


Ranked #2

Podcast cover

Drawing in perspective

Drawing in perspective

How to draw in two perspectives, to create a representation of a 3D object.

20 May 2008


Ranked #3

Podcast cover

Converting cubes into objects

Converting cubes into objects

How to use simple drawing techniques to draw objects.

20 May 2008


Ranked #4

Podcast cover

Sketching elevations in design

Sketching elevations in design

Learning how to draw different views of a model.

20 May 2008


Most Popular Podcasts

Ranked #5

Podcast cover

The vanishing point technique

The vanishing point technique

How to draw tall objects using the vanishing point technique.

20 May 2008


Ranked #6

Podcast cover

Sketching to communicate

Sketching to communicate

How sketches can be used to communicate instructions or information.

20 May 2008


Ranked #7

Podcast cover

Using ovals in design

Using ovals in design

Combining drawing techniques to draw cylindrical objects.

20 May 2008


Ranked #8

Podcast cover

Experimenting with shapes

Experimenting with shapes

Making a cardboard mug using different shapes and techniques.

20 May 2008


Ranked #9

Podcast cover

Developing perspective

Developing perspective

Using an overlay technique to create designs.

20 May 2008


Ranked #10

Podcast cover

The value of sketching

The value of sketching

Sketching as a trigger for creative design.

15 May 2008

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