Kaitlyn Sadtler

8 Podcast Episodes

ep. 13: microsampling to map a pandemic: Kaitlyn Sadtler, PhD

ep. 13: microsampling to map a pandemic: Kaitlyn Sadtler, PhD

Dr. Kaitlyn Sadtler, NIBIB, NIH explains how remote microsampling helped researchers conduct a large serology study of C... Read more

20 May 2021


S1E21 / Are Antibodies the Holy Grail? / Kaitlyn Sadtler & Matt Memoli

S1E21 / Are Antibodies the Holy Grail? / Kaitlyn Sadtler & Matt Memoli

Transcript“A lot of people don't realize this, but there are other cold-inducing coronaviruses that give us the common c... Read more

19 May 2020


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Como poderíamos ensinar nosso corpo a se curar mais rapidamente | Kaitlyn Sadtler

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Wie wir unserem Körper lehren können schneller zu heilen | Kaitlyn Sadtler

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