Paysach Freedman

6 Podcast Episodes

R' Paysach Freedman, CEO of Chaim V'Chesed, on the Passport Crisis in Israel

R' Paysach Freedman, CEO of Chaim V'Chesed, on the Passport Crisis in Israel

If you are having trouble obtaining a passport, visit 

20 Mar 2023


12.04.2020: Guests: Rabbi Paysach Freedman, CEO of Chaim V'Chessed, Malcolm Hoenlein and Rabbi Benjamin Yudin

12.04.2020: Guests: Rabbi Paysach Freedman, CEO of Chaim V'Chessed, Malcolm Hoenlein and Rabbi Benjamin Yudin

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Episode 129 - The Chaim v'Chesed Founder: A Conversation with Paysach Freedman

Episode 129 - The Chaim v'Chesed Founder: A Conversation with Paysach Freedman

ABOUT THIS EPISODE Israel is an amazing, magical land. As a state, it is also notorious for its bureaucratic challenges,... Read more

8 Sep 2020

1hr 1min

Episode 30: Featuring Nachum Segal's interviews with JNF's Myra Chack Fleischer, Rabbi Paysach Freedman of Israel's Chaim V'Chessed, Rabbi Ahron Rosenthal of Yachad, and Rabbi Dov Fendel for the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva

Episode 30: Featuring Nachum Segal's interviews with JNF's Myra Chack Fleischer, Rabbi Paysach Freedman of Israel's Chaim V'Chessed, Rabbi Ahron Rosenthal of Yachad, and Rabbi Dov Fendel for the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva

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05.04.2017: Guests: Rabbi Paysach Freedman of Chaim V'Chessed, the OU's Allen Fagin, Rabbi Ari Katz with Judah Rhine for Sderot

05.04.2017: Guests: Rabbi Paysach Freedman of Chaim V'Chessed, the OU's Allen Fagin, Rabbi Ari Katz with Judah Rhine for Sderot

Nachum Segal and Rabbi Paysach Freedman on Israel's Chaim V'Chessed Organization

Nachum Segal and Rabbi Paysach Freedman on Israel's Chaim V'Chessed Organization

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