Adam Hooks

3 Podcast Episodes

Episode 181: Summer Flings -- Adam hooks and the Huckleberries; The Redhill Valleys; Emily Duff; Gabe Lee; The Only Sons; Ashley McBryde; Kate Vargas

Episode 181: Summer Flings -- Adam hooks and the Huckleberries; The Redhill Valleys; Emily Duff; Gabe Lee; The Only Sons; Ashley McBryde; Kate Vargas

Summer's winding down so you gotta catch as catch can. Here are some of the best Americana songs around about summer fli... Read more

Episode 169: Sara Jarosz, Doc Feldman and the Alt + Cntry + Delete, Two Cow Garage, Brittany Howard, Tim Montana, Cowboy Mouth, Adam Hooks and the Huckleberries, Lauren Jenkins, West of Texas, Brit Taylor, Veronique Medrano, Darrin Bradbury

Episode 169: Sara Jarosz, Doc Feldman and the Alt + Cntry + Delete, Two Cow Garage, Brittany Howard, Tim Montana, Cowboy Mouth, Adam Hooks and the Huckleberries, Lauren Jenkins, West of Texas, Brit Taylor, Veronique Medrano, Darrin Bradbury

This week's episode is the LAST episode in this format, where I spin some new tunes that I like. Moving forward, each ep... Read more

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Ep 122: Richard Field with Adam Hooks

Ep 122: Richard Field with Adam Hooks

When William Shakespeare first began his career, we see evidence in his plays as well as life decisions that he was an a... Read more

17 Aug 2020


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